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近期新書 / PRONUNCIATION PLUS: practice through interaction: student's book

編號 類別 標題 閱讀
1 文件 (全文)  WCBE
2 文件 Contents  WCBE
3 文件 PART 1 Vowels  WCBE
4 文件 Unit 2 The vowels [] (father), [] (bus), and [U] (book)  WCBE
5 文件 Unit 3 [I] and []; [] and []  WCBE
6 文件 Unit 4 The vowels [iy] (see), [ey] (train), [] (call). [ow] (no), and [uw] (two)  WCBE
7 文件 Unit 5 [] and []; [I] and [iy]  WCBE
8 文件 Unit 6 [], [U], and [uw]; [] and []  WCBE
9 文件 Unit 7 [ey] and []; [ow] and []  WCBE
10 文件 Unit 8 [r] (word); vowels followed by r (car, short, chair, near)  WCBE
11 文件 PART 2 Consonants  WCBE
12 文件 Unit 10 [t] and [d]; [p] and [b]  WCBE
13 文件 Unit 11 [s] (same), [z] (zoo), [f] (four). [v] (very), [] (thanks), and [] (this)  WCBE
14 文件 Unit 12 [] and []; [f], [v], [p], and [b]  WCBE
15 文件 Unit 13 [] (should), [] (chair), [] (television), and [] (job)  WCBE
16 文件 Unit 14 [w] (walk), [y] (yes), [l] (late), and [r] (rain)  WCBE
17 文件 Unit 15 [w] and [v]; [l] and [r]  WCBE
18 文件 Unit 16 [m] (mate), [n] (near), and [**] (long)  WCBE
19 文件 PART 3 Consonant clusters  WCBE
20 文件 Unit 18 Consonant clusters at the beginnings of words  WCBE
21 文件 Unit 19 More on consonant clusters at the beginnings of words  WCBE
22 文件 Unit 20 Consonant clusters at the ends of words  WCBE
23 文件 Unit 21 Syllabic consonant; more on consonant clusters at the ends of words  WCBE
24 文件 Unit 22 Groups of consonants in the middle of words; simplifying finalconsonant clusters  WCBE
25 文件 PART 4 Stress and rhythm  WCBE
26 文件 Unit 24 Patterns of stress in words  WCBE
27 文件 Unit 25 More practice: stress in numbers; stress in noun compounds  WCBE
28 文件 Unit 26 Pronouncing unstressed syllables  WCBE
29 文件 Unit 27 Predicting stress in words  WCBE
30 文件 Unit 28 Rhythm  WCBE
31 文件 Unit 29 More on rhythm  WCBE
32 文件 Unit 30Rhythm and moving stress  WCBE
33 文件 PART 5 Sounds in connected speech  WCBE
34 文件 Unit 32 Common words and phrases in connected speech  WCBE
35 文件 Unit 33 Linking words together: consonant + vowel  WCBE
36 文件 Unit 34 Linking words together: consonant + consonant  WCBE
37 文件 Unit 35 More on linking words together with consonants  WCBE
38 文件 Unit 36 Sounds that link words: [w] and [y]  WCBE
39 文件 Unit 37 Short sounds and disappearing [h]  WCBE
40 文件 Intonation  WCBE
41 文件 Unit 39 Repeated words and prominence  WCBE
42 文件 Unit 40 More on prominent and nonprominent words  WCBE
43 文件 Unit 41 Falling and rising intonation  WCBE
44 文件 Unit 42 More on falling and rising intonation  WCBE
45 文件 Unit 43 Leaving things open  WCBE
46 文件 Unit 44 Focus words  WCBE
47 文件 Unit 45 Predicting intonation  WCBE
48 文件 PART 7 Sounds and grammar  WCBE
49 文件 Unit 47 Long and short forms of verbs  WCBE
50 文件 Unit 48 Weak forms of some pronouns; more on the long and short forms ofverbs  WCBE
51 文件 Unit 49 Weak forms of some conjunctions  WCBE
52 文件 Unit 50 Weak and strong forms of some prepositions  WCBE
53 文件 Unit 51 Pronouncing -ed endings  WCBE
54 文件 Unit 52 Pronouncing -s endings  WCBE
55 文件 PART 8 Pronouncing written words  WCBE
56 文件 Unit 54 Pronouncing consonant letters: c and g  WCBE
57 文件 Unit 55 Pronouncing th  WCBE
58 文件 Unit 56 Pronouncing sh, ch, and gh; other spellings for [] and []  WCBE
59 文件 Unit 57 Pronunciation, spelling, and word stress  WCBE
60 文件 Unit 58 Pronouncing single vowel letters  WCBE
61 文件 Unit 59 Pronouncing vowel pairs  WCBE
62 文件 Unit 60 Silent letters  WCBE