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近期新書 / Basic Grammar in Use

編號 類別 標題 閱讀
1 文件 (全文 1)  WCBE
2 文件 (全文 2)  WCBE
3 文件 UNIT 64: myself/yourself/themselves, etc.  WCBE
4 文件 UNIT 65: -'s (Kate's camera/my brother's car, etc.)  WCBE
5 文件 UNIT 66: A/an ...  WCBE
6 文件 UNIT 67: flower(s) and bus(es) (Singular and Plural)  WCBE
7 文件 UNIT 68: a car, some money (Countable and Uncountable 1)  WCBE
8 文件 UNIT 69: a car, some money (Countable and Uncountable 2)  WCBE
9 文件 UNIT 70: A/an and the  WCBE
10 文件 UNIT 71: the ...  WCBE
11 文件 UNIT 72: go to work/go home/go to the movies  WCBE
12 文件 UNIT 73: I like music. I hate exams.  WCBE
13 文件 UNIT 74: the ... (Names of Places)  WCBE
14 文件 UNIT 75: this/these和that/those  WCBE
15 文件 UNIT 76: one/ones  WCBE
16 文件 UNIT 77: some and any  WCBE
17 文件 UNIT 78: not + any, no, and none  WCBE
18 文件 UNIT 79: not + anybody/anyone/anything and nobody/no one/nothing  WCBE
19 文件 UNIT 80: somebody, anything, nowhere, etc.  WCBE
20 文件 UNIT 81: every and all  WCBE
21 文件 UNIT 82: all, most, some, any和no/none  WCBE
22 文件 UNIT 83: both, either and neither  WCBE
23 文件 UNIT 84: a lot, much and many  WCBE
24 文件 UNIT 85: a little/a few and little/few  WCBE
25 文件 UNIT 86: old, nice, interesting, etc. (Adjectives)  WCBE
26 文件 UNIT 87: quickly, badly, suddenly, etc. (Adverbs)  WCBE
27 文件 UNIT 88: old/older and expensive/more expensive  WCBE
28 文件 UNIT 89: older than ... and more expensive than ...  WCBE
29 文件 UNIT 90: not as ... as ...  WCBE
30 文件 UNIT 91: the oldest and the most expensive  WCBE
31 文件 UNIT 92: Enough  WCBE
32 文件 UNIT 93: too  WCBE
33 文件 UNIT 94: He speaks English very well. (Word Order 1)  WCBE
34 文件 UNIT 95: always/usually/often, etc. (Word Order 2)  WCBE
35 文件 UNIT 96: still, yet and already  WCBE
36 文件 UNIT 97: Give me that book! Give it to me!  WCBE
37 文件 UNIT 98: at 8 o'clock, on Monday, in April, etc.  WCBE
38 文件 UNIT 99: from ... to, until, since, and for  WCBE
39 文件 UNIT 100: before, after, during, and while  WCBE
40 文件 UNIT 101: in, at, and on (Place 1)  WCBE
41 文件 UNIT 102: in, at, and on (Place 2)  WCBE
42 文件 UNIT 103: to, in, and at (Place 3)  WCBE
43 文件 UNIT 104: next to, between, under, etc.  WCBE
44 文件 UNIT 105: up, over, through, etc.  WCBE
45 文件 UNIT 106: on, at, by, with, and about  WCBE
46 文件 UNIT 107 afraid of, good at, etc. (Adjective + Preposition) At -ing, with -ing, etc.(Preposition + -ing)  WCBE
47 文件 UNIT 108: listen to ..., look at ..., etc. (Verb + Preposition)  WCBE
48 文件 UNIT 109: go in, fall off, run away, etc. (Two-Word Verbs 1)  WCBE
49 文件 UNIT 110: put on your shoes and put your shoes on (Two-Word Verbs 2)  WCBE
50 文件 UNIT 111: and, but, or, so, and because  WCBE
51 文件 UNIT 112: when ...  WCBE
52 文件 UNIT 113: if we go ..., if you see ..., etc.  WCBE
53 文件 UNIT 114: if I had ..., if we went ..., etc.  WCBE
54 文件 UNIT 115: a person who ... and a thing that/which ... (Relative Clhauses 1)  WCBE
55 文件 UNIT 116: the people we met and the hotel you stayed at (Relative Clauses 2)  WCBE
56 文件 APPENDIX 1: Active and Passive  WCBE
57 文件 本書download壓縮檔  WCBE