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近期新書 / Grammar in Use Intermediate

編號 類別 標題 閱讀
1 文件 (全文 1)  WCBE
2 文件 (全文 2)  WCBE
3 文件 Contents  WCBE
4 文件 Grammar in Use Intermediatep.2  WCBE
5 文件 Unit 2 Simple Present (I do)  WCBE
6 文件 Unit 3 Present Continuous and Simple Present (1) (I am doing and I do)  WCBE
7 文件 UNIT 4 Present Continuous and Simple Present (2) (I am doing and I do)  WCBE
8 文件 UNIT 5 Simple Past (I did)  WCBE
9 文件 Unit 6 Past Continuous (I was doing)  WCBE
10 文件 Unit 7 Present Perfect (1) (I have done)  WCBE
11 文件 UNIT 8 Present Perfect (2) (I have done)  WCBE
12 文件 UNIT 9 Present perfect Continuous (I have been doing)  WCBE
13 文件 UNIT 10 Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple (I have been doingand I have done)  WCBE
14 文件 Unit 11 How long have you (been) ...?  WCBE
15 文件 Unit 12 For and since, When ...? and How long ...?  WCBE
16 文件 Unit13 Present Perfect and Past (I have done and I did)  WCBE
17 文件 Unit14 Past Perfect (I had done)  WCBE
18 文件 Unit 15 Past Perfect Continuous (I had been doing)  WCBE
19 文件 Unit 16 have and have got  WCBE
20 文件 Unit 17 Used to (do)  WCBE
21 文件 Unit 18 Present Tenses (I am doing/I do) with a Future Meaning  WCBE
22 文件 Unit 19 (I'm) going to (do)  WCBE
23 文件 Unit 20 will (1)  WCBE
24 文件 Unit 21 will (2)  WCBE
25 文件 Unit 22 I will and I'm going to  WCBE
26 文件 Unit 23 will be doing and will have done  WCBE
27 文件 Unit 24 When I do/When I've done When and if  WCBE
28 文件 Unit 25 Can, could, and be able to  WCBE
29 文件 UNIT 26 could (do) and could have (done)  WCBE
30 文件 UNIT 27 Mast (You must be tired, etc.)  WCBE
31 文件 UNIT 28 May and might (1)  WCBE
32 文件 UNIT 29 May and might (2)  WCBE
33 文件 UNIT 30 have to and must  WCBE
34 文件 UNIT 31 should  WCBE
35 文件 UNIT 32 Subjective (I suggest you do)  WCBE
36 文件 UNIT 33 had better It's time ...  WCBE
37 文件 UNIT 34 Can/Could/Would you ...?, etc. (Requests, Offers, Permission, and Invitations)  WCBE
38 文件 UNIT 35 if I do ... and if I did ...  WCBE
39 文件 UNIT 36 If I knew ... I wish I knew ...  WCBE
40 文件 UNIT 37 If I had known ... I wish I had known ...  WCBE
41 文件 UNIT 38 would I wish ... would  WCBE
42 文件 UNIT 39 Passive (1) (is done/was done)  WCBE
43 文件 UNIT 40 Passive (2) (be/been/being done)  WCBE
44 文件 UNIT 41 Passive (3)  WCBE
45 文件 UNIT 42 It is said that ... He is said to ... (be) supposed to ...  WCBE
46 文件 UNIT 43 have something done  WCBE
47 文件 UNIT 44 Reported Speech (1) (He said that ...)  WCBE
48 文件 UNIT 45 Reported Speech (2)  WCBE
49 文件 UNIT 46 Questions (1)  WCBE
50 文件 UNIT 47 Questions (2) (Do you know where ...?/She asked me where ...)  WCBE
51 文件 UNIT 48 Auxiliary Verbs (have/do/can, etc.) I think so/I hope so, etc.  WCBE
52 文件 Unit 49 Tag Questions (do you?/isn't it?, etc.)  WCBE
53 文件 Unit 50 Verb + -ing (enjoy doing/stop doing, etc.)  WCBE
54 文件 Unit 51 Verb + to ... (decide to do/forget to do, etc.)  WCBE
55 文件 Unit 52 Verb + (Object) + to ... (I want to do /I want you to do, etc.)  WCBE
56 文件 Unit 53 Verb + -ing or to ... (1) (remember/regret, etc.)  WCBE
57 文件 Unit 54 Verb + -ing or to ... (2) (try/need/help)  WCBE
58 文件 Unit 55 Verb + -ing or to ... (3) (like/would like, etc.)  WCBE
59 文件 UNIT 56 Prefer and would rather  WCBE
60 文件 UNIT 57 Preposition (in/for/about, etc.) + -ing  WCBE
61 文件 UNIT 58 Be/get used to something (I'm used to ...)  WCBE
62 文件 UNIT 59 Verb + Preposition + -ing (succeed in -ing/accuse somebody of -ing, etc.)  WCBE
63 文件 UNIT 60 Expressions + -ing  WCBE
64 文件 UNIT 61 To ..., for ..., and so that ... (Purpose)  WCBE
65 文件 UNIT 62 Adjective + to ...  WCBE
66 文件 UNIT 63 To ... (afraid to do) and Preposition + -ing (afraid of -ing)  WCBE
67 文件 UNIT 64 See somebody do and see somebody doing  WCBE
68 文件 UNIT 65 -ing Phrases (Feeling tired, I went to bed early.)  WCBE
69 文件 UNIT 66 Countable and Uncountable Nouns (1)  WCBE
70 文件 UNIT 67 Countable and Uncountable Nouns (2)  WCBE
71 文件 UNIT 68 Countable Nouns With a/an and some  WCBE
72 文件 UNIT 69 A/an and the  WCBE
73 文件 UNIT 70 the (1)  WCBE
74 文件 UNIT 71 the (2) (school/the school)  WCBE
75 文件 UNIT 72 The (3) (children/the children)  WCBE
76 文件 UNIT 73 The (4) (the giraffe/the telephone/the piano, etc.; the + Adjective)  WCBE
77 文件 UNIT 74 Names With and Without the (1)  WCBE
78 文件 UNIT 75 Names With and Without the (2)  WCBE
79 文件 UNIT 76 Singular and Plural  WCBE
80 文件 UNIT 77 Noun + Noun (a tennis ball/a headache, etc.)  WCBE
81 文件 UNIT 78 -'s (the girl's name) and of ... (the name of the book)  WCBE
82 文件 UNIT 79 Myself/yourself/themselves, etc.  WCBE
83 文件 UNIT 80 A friend of mine, My own house, By myself  WCBE
84 文件 UNIT 81 There ... and it ...  WCBE
85 文件 UNIT 82 Some and any  WCBE
86 文件 UNIT 83 No/none/any Nothing/nobody, etc.  WCBE
87 文件 UNIT 84: much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty  WCBE
88 文件 UNIT 85: All/all of, most/most of, no/none of, etc.  WCBE
89 文件 UNIT 86 both/both of, neither/neither of, either/either of  WCBE
90 文件 UNIT 87 All, every, and whole  WCBE
91 文件 UNIT 88 Each and every  WCBE
92 文件 UNIT 89 Relative Clauses (1)--Clauses With who/that/which  WCBE
93 文件 UNIT 90 Relative Clauses (2)--Clauses With or Without who/that/which  WCBE
94 文件 UNIT 91 Relative Clauses (3)--whose/whom/where  WCBE
95 文件 UNIT 92 Relative Clauses (4)--"Extra Information" Clauses (1)  WCBE
96 文件 UNIT 93 Relative Clauses (5)--"Extra Information" (2)  WCBE
97 文件 UNIT 94 -ing and -ed Phrases (the woman talking to Tom, the boy injuredin the accident)  WCBE
98 文件 UNIT 95 Adjectives Ending in -ing and -ed (boring/bored, etc.)  WCBE
99 文件 UNIT 96 Adjectives: Word Order (a nice new house) Adjectives after Verbs (Youlook tired)  WCBE
100 文件 UNIT 97 Adjectives and Adverbs (1) (quick/quickly)  WCBE
101 文件 UNIT 98 Adjectives and Adverbs (2) (well/fast/late, hard/hardly)  WCBE
102 文件 UNIT 99 so and such  WCBE
103 文件 UNIT 100 Enough and too  WCBE
104 文件 Unit 101 Comparison (1)--cheaper, more expensive, etc.  WCBE
105 文件 Unit 102 Comparison (2)  WCBE
106 文件 Unit 103 Comparison (3) -as ... as/than  WCBE
107 文件 Unit 104 Superlatives--the longest/the most enjoyable, etc.  WCBE
108 文件 UNIT 105 Word Order (1)--Verb + Object; Place and Time  WCBE
109 文件 Unit 106 Word Order (2)--Adverbs with the Verb  WCBE
110 文件 Unit 107 Still, yet and already Anymore/any longer/no longer  WCBE
111 文件 Unit 108 even  WCBE
112 文件 Unit 109 although/though/even though/in spite of/despite  WCBE
113 文件 Unit 110 in case  WCBE
114 文件 UNIT 111 unless/as long as and provided/providing  WCBE
115 文件 Unit 112 as (Time and Reason)  WCBE
116 文件 Unit 113 Like and as  WCBE
117 文件 UNIT 114 As if, as though, and like  WCBE
118 文件 Unit 115 For, during, and while  WCBE
119 文件 Unit 116 By and until By the time ...  WCBE
120 文件 Unit 117 At/on/in (Time)  WCBE
121 文件 Unit 118 on time/in time, at the end/in the end  WCBE
122 文件 Unit 119 in/at/on (Place) (1)  WCBE
123 文件 Unit 120 in/at/on (Place) (2)  WCBE
124 文件 Unit 121 in/at/on (Place) (3)  WCBE
125 文件 Unit 122 to/at/in/into  WCBE
126 文件 Unit 123 On/in/at (Other Uses)  WCBE
127 文件 Unit 124 by  WCBE
128 文件 Unit 125 Noun + Preposition (reason for, cause of, etc.)  WCBE
129 文件 Unit 126 Adjective + Preposition (1)  WCBE
130 文件 Unit 127 Adjective + Preposition (2)  WCBE
131 文件 Unit 128 Verb + Preposition (1)--at and to  WCBE
132 文件 Unit 129 Verb + Preposition (2)--about/for/of/after  WCBE
133 文件 Unit 130 Verb + Preposition (3)--about and of  WCBE
134 文件 Unit 131 Verb + Preposition (4)--of/for/from/on  WCBE
135 文件 Unit 132 Verb + Preposition (5)--in/into/with/to/on  WCBE
136 文件 Unit 133 Phrasal Verbs (get up/break down/fill in, etc.)  WCBE
137 文件 APPENDIX 1 Regular and Irregular Verbs  WCBE