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近期新書 / NEW GRE字彙聖經

編號 類別 標題 閱讀
1 文件 (全文 1)  WCBE
2 文件 (全文 2)  WCBE
3 文件 (全文 3)  WCBE
4 文件 前言  WCBE
5 文件 abase v. to lower oneself or sb in dignity; to degrade oneself or sb 降低...的身份;貶低  WCBE
6 文件 babble v. to talk in a way that is difficult or impossible to understand 含糊不清地說;作咿呀聲 n. 1. the sound of many people speaking at the same time 嘈雜的人  WCBE
7 文件 cache v. to hide something in a secret place, especially weapons 貯藏;儲存  WCBE
8 文件 dally v. to treat sb/sth frivolously 輕率地(或並非認真地)對待  WCBE
9 文件 eager adj. very keen and excited about something that is going tohappen or about something you want to do 渴望的  WCBE
10 文件 fabricate v. 1. to invent a story, piece of information etc inorder to deceive someone 編造 2. to make or produce goods or equipment 製造  WCBE
11 文件 gadfly n. 1. an annoying person, esp one who provokes others into action by criticism, etc 惹人討厭的人 2. a fly that stings horses and cattIe 虻;牛虻  WCBE
12 文件 hackneyed adj. (of a phrase, saying, etc.us) used so often that itas become trite and dull (詞語、言辭)陳腐的  WCBE
13 文件 iconoclast n. a person who strongly opposesgenerally accepted beliefs and traditions 反對傳統信仰或習俗的人  WCBE
14 文件 jaded adj. tired and lacking zest, usually after too much of sth疲倦的  WCBE
15 文件 kaleidoscope n. 1.a toy consisting of a tubecontaining small loose pieces of coloured glass, etc and mirrors which reflect  WCBE
16 文件 labyrinth n. a complicated network of winding passages, paths, etc through which it is difficult to find one's way 迷宮  WCBE
17 文件 macabre adj. connected with death; and thus causing fear; gruesome (與死亡有關)引起恐懼的;可怕的;恐怖的  WCBE
18 文件 nadir n. the lowest point; the time of greatest depression, despair, etc 最低點;最糟糕的時刻  WCBE
19 文件 obdurate adj. impossible to change; stubborn 頑固的  WCBE
20 文件 pacifist n. a person who believes in pacifism and who refuses to fightin a war 和平主義者  WCBE
21 文件 quack n. a person who pretends to have special knowledge and skill, espin medicine 冒充有專門知識和技能的人;庸醫:江湖郎中  WCBE
22 文件 rabid adj. violent or extreme; fanatical 瘋狂的;極端的;狂熱的  WCBE
23 文件 saccharine adj. 1. excessively sentimental 過分感情化的 2. having acloyingly sweet attitude, tone, or characteristic 奉承的  WCBE
24 文件 tacit adj. understood without being put into words; implied心照不宣的  WCBE
25 文件 ubiquitous adj. (seeming to be) present everywhereor in several places at the same time 無所不在的  WCBE
26 文件 vacillate v. to keep changing one’s mind; to movebackwards and forwards between two emotions (思想)動搖不定;猶豫  WCBE
27 文件 wangle v. to get or arrange sth that one wants by using trickery or clever persuasion 用巧計或花言巧語獲得或安排  WCBE
28 文件 xenophile n. a person infatuated with foreign people andculture; a person very interested in celebrating people's differences 喜歡外國人(或  WCBE
29 文件 附錄 GRE 數學真題字彙表  WCBE